The best & worst diets from across the world

Do you think Armenian cuisine rank in the top 5 best or worst diets in the world.

Do you think Armenian cuisine rank in the top 5 best or worst diets in the world?

A study conducted by Lancet Global Health has analysed the diets of 197 countries and ranked them according to their eating habits.

The ranking is based on the consumption of healthy products such as fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, dairy products and fish.

One of the perks of being an expat is the opportunity to try a whole variety of new dishes and cuisines. While we very much encourage experiencing a new culture through your stomach, beware of the dreaded “expat bulge” which many of you, I’m sure, can relate to.

Let’s take a look at which countries have the best and worst diets in the world.