Weekly Health Roundup April 24

International health news

The ECDC has provided a measles update after an outbreak in Europe over the past months. They have reported that this epidemic has caused 16 deaths in Romania, with a further 3,799 cases reported. This airborne infection has touched various countries throughout Europe, including Italy, France, Germany and Spain, and travelers are advised to get vaccinated against this disease.

Cancer Research UK suggests that having a strict amino acid diet could make cancer treatments more effective. Restricting two amino Acids, serine and glycine, could stop tumor development or even kill cancer cells, especially during chemotherapy treatments. However, people are warned to be careful if cutting out these amino acids since they are vital to our well-being. This diet should be short-term and monitored by a doctor.

For the first time in the world, the Italian court has ruled that mobile phones have caused brain tumors. After a 57 year-old Italian man testified that he had been diagnosed with a benign brain tumor due to his excessive phone usage at work, the court has ruled that a 500 euros compensation would be awarded to him per month and paid by INAIL, a national insurance for workplace accidents.

Country updates

African Health Officials from Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan have praised Ethiopia for the care they give to refugees. These treatments, which include health services and proper education, are helping refugees who have fled their home country to feel at home in Ethiopia. Unlike the Ethiopian government, many countries have deported Somali and Sudanese refugees instead of sheltering them.

The World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) has organised its third Health Innovation Week in Mexico City, focusing on the role of health innovation to promote growth. This event, organized annually by the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries, assembles various stakeholders, health representatives and government official from many countries in order to promote a wider discussion on health issues around the world.

The world’s first vaccine against Malaria is said to be launched in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi in 2018. 15,000 children between 5 and 17 months have already tested this vaccine to attack the Malaria parasite, that spreads by mosquito bites. Even though this vaccine could save thousands of lives in these three African countries, it is not yet clear if it could be bone in these poor countries, without the well-funded clinical trials.

Health advice

The Food and Drug Administration advises children younger than 12 years old to avoid painkillers. Painkillers like codeine and tramadol can cause breathing problems amongst children, especially after surgeries. If buying over-the-counter drugs, parents should try to stay away from these opioids and look for a replacement medication.