How safe is your food abroad?

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Finding safe ingredients is a major concern of many expatriates, especially in developing countries. In many previously ‘difficult’ destinations, the rise of organic food is making it easier for expats to find healthy food.

For example, over the last few years China has been plagued by a series of contamination scandals, from tainted baby formula to recycled cooking oil taken from sewers. Diseases which may have arisen from intensive livestock practices, such as SARS and Avian Flu, also have highlighted the importance of the food chain. This series of events has made both the government and people wake up to the importance of what they eat. The Chinese market for organic food has quadrupled in 5 years and is now estimated to be 10 billion yuan (€1.1 billion).

On a global scale, the market for organic food and drink is projected to reach US$60 billion this year. According to the last Global Organic Food & Drink Market report, the total size of the North American Market overtook the European market. What might be even more surprising is that the market for organic food is growing very quickly in many developing countries in Asia and Latin America.

This trend is great news for many expatriates everywhere. Increased supply of organic food and growing consciousness about food issues makes it easier to find healthy food. As supply and choice grows, so does the possibility of staying healthy abroad.

How safe is the food where you live?