Hangover cures from around the world, and the top medical stories this year.
International health news
- Lifestyle choices behind 4 in 10 cancers — Around 600,000 cancer cases could be prevented by making healthier life choices.
- Top health stories in 2014 – Curing a paralysed man, the first womb transplant baby, milder HIV and other amazing medical stories from this year.
- E-books damage sleep and health – Backlit e-readers disrupt sleep making you more tired the following day, long term use can affect health, say doctors.
Health advice
- Hangover cures from around the world — What do ant tea, tripe stew, and pickle juice have in common? They are all used to ease hangovers in different countries.
Country health updates
- Sierra Leone: 3-day Ebola lockdown – After banning many public Christmas celebrations, the authorities have now shut down the north of the country.
- Hong Kong: First deadly bird-flu case – A woman who recently visited mainland China is seriously ill in hospital with H7N9 bird flu.
- USA: Christmas baby born on subway train — A baby was delivered in Philadelphia’s subway system after a woman went into labour unexpectedly.