Nuts are just as important as milk for building strong bones.
Health advice
- Nuts just as important as milk for bones – For healthy bones in children, nuts and other high-magnesium foods can be just as important as foods rich in calcium says a new study.
- Read before you buy health insurance – Questions to ask yourself before buying international health insurance. Make sure you get the right plan for you.
International health news
- Final push for polio eradication – A new 6-year strategy has been published to finally eradicate polio, focusing on Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
- International Midwives Day – UK midwives urged to volunteer in developing countries to help curb high infant and maternal mortality rates and pass on valuable skills.
Country alerts
- Saudi Arabia: SARS-like virus real threat – Five people have died and two are seriously ill after contracting the strain of novel coronavirus.
- US: Suicides in middle-age soar – In a decade the suicide rate among 35-64 year olds has increased 28%. Since 2009 suicide has claimed more lives than vehicle crashes.
- Philippines: Lagging behind SE Asian countries – Healthcare system biased towards managing illness rather than promoting wellness say experts.