Top health news from around the web this week: 22 July 2013
International health news
- Hawaii the healthiest state – A new map illustrates differences in life expectancy between the states of the USA. Hawaii comes out top, while southern states fall behind.
- Mosquito patch fights malaria – The robust Kite sticker adheres to clothing and prevents mosquitoes from sensing carbon dioxide emissions from people.
Health advice
- Calories on menus make little difference – Menus which display the calorie content do not lead to better food choices caution researchers.
- Have a healthy summer – Staying at home or travelling, remember everything from allergies to the impact of the weather affect you differently in summer.
Country health alerts
- Dubai: Gold bars in return for weight loss – During the month of Ramadan authorities are offering a gram of gold for every kilo lost.
- USA: Mysterious valley fever cases intensifying – Six states are affected by the incurable illness which kills people when it spreads to the brain.
- UK: Alcohol deaths in young women – Bucking the general trend, women born in the 70s are dying more from alcohol related problems than other age groups.