International health news
- Fat is the sixth taste
according to Australian scientists, which contradicts the generally accepted list of five basic, or primary tastes: sweet, salt, bitter, sour and umami.
- Women with type 1 diabetes are at a greater risk of dying from illnesses than men with the same condition according to recent research.
- E-cigarettes are not a safe alternative to tobacco suggests US research. The research suggests that they contain toxic chemicals which can be harmful.
Health advice
- New advice for pregnant women on when to fly The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has issued new advice for women flying during pregnancy. They state that the safest time to fly is before 37 weeks or if carrying twins, 32. Low-risk pregnancies do not pose a threat, however side-effects are still possible. If over 28 weeks then obtaining a letter from your GP and carrying medical records is recommended.
Country health updates
- Canada has ruled that doctors may help patients with severe chronic conditions end their own lives The controversial law has overturned a ban which had been introduced in 1993.
- The UK has voted in favour of three people babies. Last week, MPs decided to allow the creation of babies with the DNA from two women and one man.
- US senator in a move against hygiene. A senior US senator has spoken out against forcing workers to wash their hands following toilet visits. A US senator has suggested that restaurants should not have to make their employees wash their hands after toilet visits.