Top health stories from around the world on September 9 2013.
International health news
- Lung disease cause of 1 in 10 deaths — 1 in 10 deaths in Europe are caused by lung cancer with rates set to rise due to past smoking rates.
- Earlier mammograms could save lives — Research suggests starting routine breast cancer screening sooner could lower death rate.
- Majority unaware they suffer from hypertension – A global study has found many people don’t know they have hypertension and few are getting adequate treatment.
Health advice
- Quit smoking with e-cigarettes — Research shows e-cigarettes help smokers quit just as effectively as nicotine patches.
Country health alerts
- Africa: 78% of diabetes cases undiagnosed — 6.1% of deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa are linked to diabetes.
- Thailand: Healthcare for migrant workers — Now migrants from neighbouring countries can easily access national healthcare.
- UK: English tests for doctors — New rules allow authorities to check the English level of all doctors, not just those from outside the EU.