Weekly Health Roundup July 3

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International health news

A study from the University of Michigan has revealed that taking the contraceptive pill could increase the risk of breast cancer more than previously anticipated. One of the reasons for this is that the pills contain high levels of synthetic oestrogen and progesterone hormones.

A new study by Dutch scientists predicts that our lifespan may increase to 125 years by 2070. They suggest that at one point people can become immortal in the future because our lifespan is increasing over time.

Mayo Clinic’s Center for Individualized Medicine is investigating how DNA can help doctors to tailor treatments to each specific patient. These genetic tests could be used for sufferers of heart disease, cancer and depression. By doing this, they could determine the appropriate dosage and predict  what the reaction to the drug will be.

Country updates

A new report by University College London’s Institute for Global Health has suggested that climate change is harming the health of Australians. Temperatures in Australia have been increasing over the last few years, which has caused more heat waves. The result is more and more cases of dehydration, exhaustion, heatstroke and even heart and kidney diseases.

According to new figures published by the Nursing and Midwifery Council, more nurses and midwives are leaving the profession in the UK than joining it.. The number of nurses and midwives working in the UK fell by 1,783 in the first quarter of 2017. Most of them are leaving the profession because of the working conditions.

The World Health Organization declared an end to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The last patient has tested negative for Ebola which, ending the outbreak after only 42 days.

Health advice

Researchers say that going for a swim after applying sunscreen to your body increases health risks. Swimming in a chlorinated pool can turn chemicals in sunscreen toxic. The combination of chemicals can lead to infertility, immune system damage and even cancer.

Some foods can prevent cancer or slow down the multiplying of cancerous cells, and prevent various diseases. Consider foods that contain high levels of antioxidants like berries, garlic, tomatoes and cauliflower.