Your hAPPiness is in your hands!

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Expatriates are particularly at risk when it comes to mental health. Language barriers, isolation, workload issues, as well as not having family and friends close by, often can mean feeling more vulnerable in life’s everyday circumstances. Loneliness or feeling “out of place” when living abroad can definitely cause your emotions to rollercoaster, causing you to feel depressed, anxious or generally sad.

Fortunately, most people nowadays own smartphones, which means you can have access to useful mental health apps when living abroad. This can help you cope with mental health issues like depression or anxiety, which is proven to be more common among expats.

When your phone comes into play

Nowadays there are almost 4 million apps available to download (and these are just the apps that you pay for). Many apps are commonly regarded as unnecessary time wasters. More often than not, people spend their times using apps for social networking, keeping in contact or playing games. However, the fast evolving world of technology leaves nobody behind, and offers apps that can be useful regarding health, such as fitness apps.

While mental health apps are not meant to replace therapists and you should always consider seeking professional help, they can provide a system of support along the way. Whether they are cheering you up with positive quotes, relaxing you with soothing music, or helping you monitor your moods, health apps are the next best thing.

Here are 5 mental health apps that can help you through your rough times abroad:

  • Talkspace: for a monthly fee, you can chat anonymously with a real, licensed therapist for guidance and advice.
  • Stop, Breathe & Think: this platform asks you to select your current feelings and mood and in return you will be advised through meditation exercises and mindfulness techniques to help you soothe your mood.
  • Mood 24/7: by monitoring your mood through a daily question, this app will help you see the patterns in your mood and offer help, whether you are already seeing a specialist or not.
  • PTSD Coach: developed by the National Center of Telehealth and Technology, this app offers you information, treatments, symptom trackers, among other tools to manage post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Lantern: combining daily exercises and professional coaching, this app can help you become emotionally stronger.

Although helpful and interesting, mental health apps are not meant to be used as the only source of relief and it is not recommended to replace face to face therapy with apps. They do offer a comfortable helping hand for those that cannot afford therapy or live in places where access to mental health care is hard to come by.

[Image: Summer Skyes 11]