Five tips to help you save money on international health insurance.
Keeping your insurance premiums down in the current financial climate can be tough. Fortunately, there are a few ways to avoid paying through the nose for expat health insurance.
1. Pay annually. Many insurers will offer you a discount if you are prepared to pay for 12 months of cover in advance. If they don’t appear to offer this option, ask!
2. Offer to pay more of the costs. By increasing your deductible, you can make great savings on your premiums. Of course, this can actually cost you more if you do need medical treatment, so use this option with care.
3. Ask for a discount. You’ll be amazed at how much money you can shave off your insurance premiums by simply asking. While some of the best deals can be found online, it’s worth speaking to an actual human being who has the power to negotiate. What’s the worst that could happen?
4. Do your homework. There are hundreds of comparison websites to help you, but making a few calls to a few different providers doesn’t hurt either. Make sure your current insurer is giving you the best deal by speaking to a few of their competitors and asking if they can give you a better deal. Chances are they will – just make sure your new policy is in place before cancelling your previous one.
5. Don’t be drawn in by unnecessary extras. Do you really need that spontaneous combustion cover? Probably not, so make sure you are only paying for what you really need. And the only person who knows what you really need is you, not the salesperson.
Have you got any top tips on getting health cover as an expat? Share your stories in the comments section.