Expats often don’t know the guidelines for their new home
Research carried out by the University of Sussex, England looked at young people’s knowledge of safe guidelines for alcohol consumption. The study found that less than half were able to answer questions on guidelines correctly.
Of the 309 secondary school students that responded, 52% underestimated consumption guidelines. Of the 125 university students who were questioned, 65% underestimated the safe consumption amounts.
International alcohol consumption guidelines
Legal minimum drinking ages
Source: Minimum age limits worldwide
A recent survey from the Alcohol Policy Youth Network found that teenagers who had their first drink before the age of 15 were more likely to be drunk as they got older.The survey of over 1000 people in 41 different countries, found that over 70% of those who had had their first alcoholic drink under the age of 15 had been drunk more than 40 times in their lives. This compares with only 53% of those people who were over 15 when they had their first drink. If you think you or a family member has an alcohol problem carefully consider whether you of they should not find a program for treatment for alcohol abuse or consult a specialist for advice immediately.