International health news
Zika Virus worse than previously thought – The virus that started almost a year ago in Brazil appears to be more dangerous and have more risks than previously assumed.
- Diabetes doubled globally in the last three decades – The potentially fatal disease has seen a massive increase since the 1980’s.
- Food packaging could soon have ‘activity equivalent’ labels – In the hopes of fighting weight-related diseases.
Health advice
- Everyday activities that will boost your health – Try incorporating these activities into your day to stay healthy.
- Surprising health benefits of getting married – Studies find that marriage could make you healthier and even help you survive cancer.
- Healthy alternatives to superfoods – Here are some foods you should try if you aren’t a fan of the latest superfood craze.
Country health updates
- Fungal infection caused the first U.S. uterus transplant to fail – However doctors says that the transplant is still encouraging.
- Uganda’s only radiotherapy machine breaks – Leaving thousands unable to get life-saving cancer treatment.