More major insurers have announced their plans to deal with pipeline business in the run up to the gender neutral pricing deadline of 21 December. Initially, insurers were slow to release their strategy for dealing with gender neutral pricing, but with the deadline looming more companies have come forward.
Aviva will guarantee gender specific pricing for applications submitted before 20 December. Applications must be complete with terms accepted, payment details, and any outstanding information submitted. The start date must have been identified, though it can fall after the deadline. Gender neutral pricing will come into effect for all new quotes from 25 November, for all whole life policies, and from 17 December for all other products.
Standard Life
Standard Life will only process application on gender specific prices if payment and all documentation is received before the 21 December deadline.
The Pru is changing to gender neutral annuity rates earlier than other insurers, on 12 November. The provider will continue to accept applications up until 13 December for quotes received before 12 November. The 28 day quote guarantee will still apply, but applications must be received before 12 November.
Ageas will be switching to gender neutral pricing on 21 December. If all required information is received before the end of February 2013 and cover is activated before the end of March 2013, Ageas will guarantee the gender specific rates.
Legal & General
Legal & General will only process applications on gender specific rates if terms have been accepted, direct debit details received and any outstanding information submitted before 20 December. The policy start date must also have been agreed, but this can be after 20 December.