Short-term counselling can help prevent repeated suicide attempts and more international health news.
International health news
- Counselling could reduce repeat suicide attempts 26% — People who have attempted suicide are very likely to try again, short-term counselling can prevent this.
- Alcohol in pregnancy not as bad as suggested – A low to moderate amount of alcohol during pregnancy isn’t related to complications such as early labour.
- The battle for cigarette packaging – Tobacco companies and governments are increasingly engaged in battle over health warnings on packaging.
Health advice
- A bad marriage can break your heart — Older couples, especially women, in unhappy relationships are more susceptible to developing heart disease.
- Running for exercise slows the ageing process – Older people who run regularly expend the same amount of energy as a 20-year old when walking.
Country health updates
- DRC: Ebola-free declares WHO – The Democratic Republic of the Congo is Ebola free after 42 days since the last tests came back negative.
- USA: Canadian mother faces $1M hospital bill – After giving birth prematurely while on holiday in Hawaii, a Canadian mother is struggling to pay her medical bills.
- Madagascar: Plague outbreak kills 40 – WHO is warning about the risk of plague spreading in the densely populated capital as 120 are infected.